
anyLogistix Supply Chain Software: Overview

anyLogistix Supply Chain Software: Overview

Discover anyLogistix: Overview

Discover anyLogistix: Overview

Greenfield Analysis

Greenfield Analysis

anyLogistix Intro Webinar

anyLogistix Intro Webinar

Building a Digital Twin Model with anyLogistix API

Building a Digital Twin Model with anyLogistix API

Master Supply Chain Design with Forecasting, Inventory Strategies, and Simulation

Master Supply Chain Design with Forecasting, Inventory Strategies, and Simulation

Power Up Your M&A with Advanced Optimization and Simulation

Power Up Your M&A with Advanced Optimization and Simulation

Supply Chain Digital Twins and Resilience Analysis

Supply Chain Digital Twins and Resilience Analysis

Scenario-Based Strategic Sourcing with anyLogistix

Scenario-Based Strategic Sourcing with anyLogistix

The Future of Supply Chain Simulation

The Future of Supply Chain Simulation

3 Key Things To Consider When Designing Your Supply Chain Model in anyLogistix

3 Key Things To Consider When Designing Your Supply Chain Model in anyLogistix

Leading Your Organization into the Future using Capacity Planning

Leading Your Organization into the Future using Capacity Planning

Digital Twins: From Concept to Practice

Digital Twins: From Concept to Practice

Evaluating Onshoring Strategies with Network Optimization and Simulation

Evaluating Onshoring Strategies with Network Optimization and Simulation

Identifying Unknown Risks in Your Supply Chain Through Analytics

Identifying Unknown Risks in Your Supply Chain Through Analytics

Global Network Optimization

Global Network Optimization

Simulation-based Inventory Optimization with anyLogistix

Simulation-based Inventory Optimization with anyLogistix

How to Evaluate Supply Chain Strategies with anyLogistix

How to Evaluate Supply Chain Strategies with anyLogistix

Ripple Effects in Supply Chains at different Pandemic Stages

Ripple Effects in Supply Chains at different Pandemic Stages

Simulation-based What-if Scenarios

Simulation-based What-if Scenarios

Supply Chain Network Optimization

Supply Chain Network Optimization

Supply Chain Master Planning

Supply Chain Master Planning

Transportation Optimization - Combining Analytical and Simulation Approaches

Transportation Optimization - Combining Analytical and Simulation Approaches

Inventory Management: Safety Stock Estimation

Inventory Management: Safety Stock Estimation

Supply Chain Risk Analysis with anyLogistix

Supply Chain Risk Analysis with anyLogistix

Risk Analysis

Risk Analysis

Supply Chain Constraint-based Planning and Network Optimization

Supply Chain Constraint-based Planning and Network Optimization

Embedding Inside-4-Walls Models into a Supply Chain Digital Twin

Embedding Inside-4-Walls Models into a Supply Chain Digital Twin

Supply Chain Digital Twin and Control Tower with anyLogistix

Supply Chain Digital Twin and Control Tower with anyLogistix

Simulation-Based Supply Chain Analysis

Simulation-Based Supply Chain Analysis

Production Capacity Planning

Production Capacity Planning

Transportation Policy Planning—What-If Scenario Comparison

Transportation Policy Planning—What-If Scenario Comparison

Supply Chain Budgeting with Demand Randomness

Supply Chain Budgeting with Demand Randomness

Shipments scheduling

Shipments scheduling

Inside-4-Walls Modeling

Inside-4-Walls Modeling

Scenario Template: Data Organization and Formatting

Scenario Template: Data Organization and Formatting

Exporting Data to a Database

Exporting Data to a Database

Converting Scenario Data

Converting Scenario Data

Using Hard and Soft Constraints

Using Hard and Soft Constraints

Considering Multiple Objectives With a Multi-Step Optimization

Considering Multiple Objectives With a Multi-Step Optimization

Análisis de Distribución Urbana (en Español)

Análisis de Distribución Urbana (en Español)

Optimizando la Red de Distribución (en Español)

Optimizando la Red de Distribución (en Español)

Design Supply Chain, Run with Digital Twin (en Español)

Design Supply Chain, Run with Digital Twin (en Español)

anyLogistix: Insights into Release Features and Future Plans

anyLogistix: Insights into Release Features and Future Plans

Análisis de Riesgos (en Español)

Análisis de Riesgos (en Español)

anyLogistix Overview & Demo at the ALX Conference 2023

anyLogistix Overview & Demo at the ALX Conference 2023

Optimización de Redes Logísticas (en Español)

Optimización de Redes Logísticas (en Español)

FMCG Distribution Network Optimization

FMCG Distribution Network Optimization

Enhancing Cost Efficiency through Multi-Echelon Network Optimization in Distribution

Enhancing Cost Efficiency through Multi-Echelon Network Optimization in Distribution

Exploring the Role of Supply Chain Management in Advancing Corporate Sustainability

Exploring the Role of Supply Chain Management in Advancing Corporate Sustainability

Enhancing Supply Chains with Digital Twins and AI

Enhancing Supply Chains with Digital Twins and AI

Analyzing the Impact of Transportation Policies on Supply Chain Efficiency and Sustainability

Analyzing the Impact of Transportation Policies on Supply Chain Efficiency and Sustainability

Evolving Supply Chain Networks: How Danone-Waters Utilized Digital Optimization

Evolving Supply Chain Networks: How Danone-Waters Utilized Digital Optimization

ICP & SimWell Supply Chain Digital Twin Journey with anyLogistix

ICP & SimWell Supply Chain Digital Twin Journey with anyLogistix

Extending an "Out of the Box" Supply Chain Tool for Fast-Moving Consumer Goods

Extending an "Out of the Box" Supply Chain Tool for Fast-Moving Consumer Goods

Food Supply Chain Disruptions: a Case Study of Public Distribution System

Food Supply Chain Disruptions: a Case Study of Public Distribution System

Optimization of Organic Waste Collection and Transportation

Optimization of Organic Waste Collection and Transportation

Supply Network Strategy as a Driver of Distribution in Agroindustry System

Supply Network Strategy as a Driver of Distribution in Agroindustry System

Implementation of Digital Twins for Supply Chain Stress-Testing and Resilience

Implementation of Digital Twins for Supply Chain Stress-Testing and Resilience